Monday, February 11, 2008

The heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of

"The heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of. "
~ Charles H. Parkhurst

My fortune from my Chinese cookie read, "You are busy, but you are happy." I wonder about this concept. Some activity, yes, but at present I have so much on my plate between work, home, three ministries, family and friends that everything seems to be melding into one continuous race. Race for what? Security? Meaning? Fulfillment? These are all pseudo-sources for these goals.
This is the Lenten season...Breathe...I am dust and to dust I shall return...Quiet your mind...silence...Be still and know that I am God...Be still and know that I AM...Be still and know...Be still...BE...
You are the reason I live, Lord; You chose me, created me, adopted me, redeemed me. Each breath is a gift...Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner...
My mind recalls the book I'm currently reading: Barbara Brown Taylor's Leaving Church. Her deepest desire is to immerse herself in God. I echo this heart prayer and long to be passionately engaged with God — to fall in love with Him and His Word. Fresh...vital...intuitive...kindred spirits...
In reality, I'm divided, not single-minded. I struggle as Paul did with knowing what is right to do and yet not doing it. Materialism, activity, career, living in this culture has a magnetic pull that is impossible to resist apart from Christ...
• Wisdom • Insight • Knowledge • Balance • Self-discipline.
I am weak, Lord. Please increase my strength so that I may begin to take steps, baby steps, to do what I know is right.
...Falling in love with You, having You as my First Love encompasses every area and aspect of my being. May I start now? Your grace, mercy and compassion NEVER END...

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