Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jesus' Care for Women

Dear Living Room Family,

I have been using Ken Gire’s Intimate Moments with the Savior for my devotional reading recently. There are several that have stood out for me this time as I’ve read each intimate moment: the woman at the well, Mary and Martha, the woman caught in the act of adultery, and Mary anointing Jesus' feet with perfume.

Jesus offered the woman at the well, who had had four husbands and was currently living with a man, His living water. He knew what her heart was searching and longing for.

Although Martha was the one who worked like a dog to make sure everything was in order and well-prepared, it was Mary who sat at Jesus’ feet and communed with Him, that our Lord commended as making the better choice.

Although the Law that God gave condemns the act of adultery as a capital offense, Jesus would not condemn this guilty woman for her sin. He entreated her accusers to look at themselves and see the sin in their own lives and understand that we are all sinners worthy of death before a holy God.

Mary — perceptive Mary. Seeing with her heart what all of the disciples missed. Jesus was about to go to his death and she understood this. She saw the compassion and pain in Jesus’ eyes and heart. She knew Jesus in a way the disciples completely missed. The questions that Ken Gire asks are the questions I am asking myself today:

  • – How much clearer could Jesus speak to you?
  • – What are you thinking?
  • – Do you ignore His words?
  • – Dismiss them?
  • – Forget them?
  • – Hear only what you want to hear?
  • – Are the words too painful that you suppress them?
  • – Is your mind too occupied with your own agenda that
    you have lost sight of your King?

Precious Yeshua,

Everything my heart longs for is found in You. You love me, show compassion and mercy on me, and understand me in a far deeper way than I can ever perceive. Please open my heart to You. Please help me not to be afraid to trust You with my heart. Please help me to make wise choices that would put You first in my life and in my heart. I do want to hear You speaking to me. I do want to think clearly – spiritually. I do not want to ignore Your words or dismiss them or forget them. Please give me the strength to hear all of what You tell me, not just what I think you are saying. Help me not to be afraid to embrace You. Please strengthen me to engage in the battle for my mind so that You would be first in my thoughts, my priorities, my service, and every aspect of my life.

I love you, Lord.... Please help me to love you more.

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