Sunday, July 29, 2007

Suffering and Faith

The following are some really helpful points from Tim Stafford's writings on suffering that Darryl will be discussing at a local church this morning:

• What is it about suffering that forces us to focus on central issues of life?

• Suffering is one of the loneliest experiences; it is also one of the most purifying.

• How is it that suffering is one of the loneliest experiences and yet unites us
with other people?

Here’s Stafford's quote:

"Suffering purifies this human material, cutting away layer after soft layer until only firmer stuff remains. All the dross goes: the ambitions, love of money, vanity about appearance, everything that sets us above others in our own mind. Suffering purges everything that is not central to life."

Also, suffering teaches us the absolute limit to our abilities and our total dependence upon Christ. It unites us with others going through similar circumstances. That might be the key — not an “answer” to suffering, but humility and grace in the midst of it.

Suffering in whatever form it takes, personal, communal, national, is a great mystery. The Bible does not provide a running commentary on why “this happened here” or “this occurred there.”


Suffering ultimately becomes a test of faith. Do we believe that God is the essence of holiness, goodness and compassion even when we cannot see it clearly through our pain?

Lord, I believe...please help my unbelief!!!

1 comment:

andrea said...


Know that you and your family are not alone in this suffering that you are currently experiencing. It is so hard to wait to find out answers. Anxiety increases and all these what ifs enter your mind. My prayer for you today is that God helps you release each thought that is going through your mind. Take the time to sit and rest. God will comfort and provide peace. Amen