Saturday, October 27, 2007

Stream of Consciousness Toward God

stream of consciousness toward God pray with your eyes open great value and worth deeply loved completely forgiven grace totally acceptable and complete in Christ am I going in the direction you want me to go in my life Lord am I on the right journey please lead me and guide me I don't want to run down a rabbit trail or turn in a wrong direction Jonah rebel against You or hinder the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in my life you see Christ's pure righteousness when You look at me and You are pleased You are gentle and yet all powerful I want You to win God I can never out think or out race you Lord even at the breakneck pace of life in this decade You still have the same values same teaching same love and compassion Alpha and Omega I AM King of Kings and Lord of Lords please let me listen let me see let me hear and perceive Your wisdom Your will for me in the midst of the whirlwind yet it's not really about me at all it's about You I must decrease and You must increase metamorphosis renewal gift blessing grace mercy peace praise amen alleluia


Sue said...

In my literature-major years I always hated the stream of consciousness device ... it drove me nuts!!! But this ... I like (way better than Oscar Wilde!) :) Really neat exercise -- I especially liked the imagery of the rabbit hole. I'm glad you shared this. It's kind of like a prayer -- it IS a prayer -- the kind of prayer that I usually end up tossing heavenward throughout the day, rather than a "formal" sit-down-quiet-time-this-is-what-I-do-each-day kind of prayer. This is probably what prayer really looks like from God's perspective. :) Great!

Pamela C. Lang said...

Thank you, Sue for your comments and insights. Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to show by example. This is what my prayers actually are like. My mind moves so fast and so many thoughts bombard me at one time that this type of prayer IS reality for me. God understands, perceives and communicates with us on all levels; stream of consciousness is probably as comfortable to Him as breathing is to us. So, no guilt for quick, disjointed prayers...blessings!