Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More Reflections from Abba's Child

Dear Friends,

As I continue my devotional reading in Abba's Child, I find that Brennan Manning brings out concepts of God that touch my heart in a deeply refreshing way. The relationship that I long for with our Creator and Savior and Eternal Companion is one of deepest tenderness and intimacy. He knows my every thought, every pinprick of pain in my heart, and every wisp of longing in my soul.

If you are a kindred spirit, these passages from Abba's Child will resonate with you as they have with me...

"Abba, as a way of addressing God, is ipsissima vox, an authentic original utterance of Jesus. We are confronted with something new and astounding....Jesus, the beloved Son, does not hoard this experience for Himself. He invites and calls us to share the same intimate and liberating relationship."

Paul wrote, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry 'Abba,' [Daddy] it is that spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God." ~ Romans 8:14-16

Think of the love the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God's children; and that is what we are." ~I John 3:1

"My dignity as Abba's child is my most coherent sense of self...."

"Tenderness awakens within the security of knowing we are thoroughly and sincerely liked by Someone. The mere presence of that Special Someone in a crowded room brings an inward sigh of relief and a strong sense of feeling safe....'Abba is very fond of me.' "

"...Scripture suggests that the essence of the divine nature is compassion and that hte heart of God is defined by tenderness...."

And finally...

"Richard Foster wrote, 'His heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. A cup of cold water is enough to put tears in the eyes of God. Like the proud mother who is thrilled to receive a bouquet of wilted dandelions from her child, so God celebrates our feeble expressions of gratitude.' "

Dear friends, God is the essence of caring, of tenderness, and of compassion. He likes you and He likes me. He hasn't just loved us because he had to; He loves us because He wants to. How precious these thoughts are to my heart this day!

Celebrating our Abba...

Blessings and peace,

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