Monday, April 23, 2007

Spiritual Journal: Seeking Fulfillment

Dearest Abba:

You are again pursuing me and calling me to Yourself. As I look at yet another work project that needs to be viewed as “just business,” I am angry and deeply hurt and disillusioned about what I am doing with my life. I am trying so desperately to give my life meaning and fulfillment. Yet I know that I am seeking in the wrong direction. I need to turn to You. Your goals, Your purposes, your glory are what give life meaning, not corporations or business in itself.

Dear Lord, please help me to gain an eternal perspective. Please help me to do what is right for the right reasons. I cannot look to people to supply my needs or give my life meaning. You are able to give my life more meaning than I can fathom; the depth, the richness, the perception, and the quality and meaning that I am desperately seeking for in life are found in You in quantities so big I cannot comprehend them.

Please open my eyes to see You, Lord, in fresh ways, in new ways, in big ways.
Please guide my faltering steps toward You...

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